Mediating Effect of Collaboration on Dark Tetrad Personality Traits and Entrepreneurial Performance Nexus of Real Estate Agents in Abuja
Collaboration, Dark entrepreneurship, Dark tetrad personality traits, Entrepreneurial performance, Real estate agentsAbstract
Personality traits are known to influence entrepreneurial performance. As such, entrepreneurship is often presented as a positive endeavour; neglecting the dark aspect and the collaborative efforts of entrepreneurs in industries such as the real estate. The dark entrepreneurial practices of real estate agents in Abuja have engendered unprecedented increase in rentage fees, scarcity of affordable houses for low- and middle- income earners, and polarisation of the city on the basis of highbrow and underdeveloped areas. This study therefore seeks to investigate the mediating effect of collaboration on dark tetrad personality traits and entrepreneurial performance nexus. The study adopts a cross-sectional survey design. The population of 233 real estate agents was obtained from the register of the Real Estate Developers Association of Nigeria (REDAN) in Abuja, while criterion sampling technique was employed to screen the population to 121 on the basis of predetermined criteria. Based on Baron and Kenny’s (1986) four step approach for testing mediating variable, the generated data via questionnaire were subjected to linear and multiple regression methods. The result of the direct effect of dark tetrad personality traits on entrepreneurial performance is significant. Additionally, dark tetrad personality traits influence entrepreneurial performance indirectly through collaboration. Despite the unethical nature of these traits, the real estate agents still thrive in their businesses because of the corrupt and unstructured business environment in the city. Hence, a stiffer control of the activities of REDAN, and sensitization of existing and would-be real estate agents on the grave consequences of wholly possessing and exhibiting dark tetrad personality traits in the conduct of dark entrepreneurial activities are recommende